Reaching Out Is Short for ROI
You’re caught up in booth design and planning, travel arrangements and logistics. So it’s no wonder that pre-show marketing gets lost in the shuffle. But here’s something to think about.
Trade show industry research indicates that 70% of show attendees plan a list of booths to visit before even setting foot on the trade show floor. Yet very few trade show exhibitors invest in pre-show marketing efforts.
Not convinced? The Center for Exhibition Industry Research found that the conversion of booth visitors to qualified leads rose 50% when a pre-show promotion strategy was implemented.
Here are some ways to get started:
Build your list of contacts: Utilize your CRM database to develop a list of relevant customers. If you don’t have a database, ask your sales people to share contact information including snail mail and email addresses.
Launch an email campaign: Email campaigns are great because they’re cheap and easy to execute. But be aware that the show can be overwhelming attendees with email outreach. Focus on new products and specific reasons for attendees to visit your booth.
Follow up with direct mail: Your email click through information will help you know who you should contact with a printed piece showcasing the reasons they should visit your trade show booth. If you can, assign a specific staff person to execute this follow up.
As you develop your email and direct mail pieces, it’s important to be consistent with the graphic look of your booth for consistent branding. For more information on getting the most out your next customized trade show strategies, contact World Class Graphics & Displays today.